Academy of Management (AOM) members advance the understanding of theory, empirical results, education, and practice in the field of management. To achieve this, AOM publishes six journals, two proceedings publications, and Academy of Management Insights. Research is published within these top leading journals as well as presented at AOM events. All articles are peer reviewed to ensure that they are verified as scientifically reliable, relevant, and adhere to AOM, academic, and industry standards.
Academy of Management Insights brings the best academic research findings to managers and business leaders worldwide. Our get-right-to-the-point format transforms peer-reviewed management research from the world’s top scholars into actionable evidence for the workplace.
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Research presented at AOM’s Annual Meeting and Specialized Conferences are academic works in progress and are published in AOM's proceedings publications.
AOM provides several opportunities to provide assistance during the research and writing stages.
Presenting at an AOM event is one of the first steps in refining your research through the help of fellow academic scholars who provide invaluable feedback and insight.